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  • Writer's pictureKatie Brown

Thoughts On Running..

I recently found myself thinking about my relationship with running.

I’ve had stages when it’s all I could think about, constantly craving the high of a new personal best and pushing myself to tick every single training session. I’ve avoided Saturday night drinking, so I could be at my best for my ‘Long Sunday Run’ and I’d waste too much time comparing myself to everyone else.

Then recently, I’ve just started running a lot less, for no particular reason at all.

When I do run, it’s been because it’s been a great way to catch up socially, interval training or just because I fancied some fresh air to clear my mind after a tough day.

I don’t want to be tied down by running, I want it to feel like a pleasure and celebration of the fact my body can run. I don’t want to feel like I’m constantly fighting against the clock, or that I’ll be defined by how much or how little I run.

Whilst I have endless admiration in folk who run marathons, or ultra-races, and I really do envy those who live near miles of trails just waiting to be explored.

Right now, I’m looking forward to my 10km race, I’m enjoying my journey into the world of Obstacle Course Racing and when I do run, I want it to be for the simple pleasure of just running.

My advice for anyone having a runners low?

Run because it’s a brilliant thing to do, it doesn’t matter how fast or how slow..

Run simply because you have new kit…or a killer playlist..

Run because you DO need to be prepared for when Zombies attack.

Run so you can Instagram the hell out of it #run #runnersofig #ukrunchat

Run because you can.


Tell me, how do you feel about running right now? Are you training for anything?



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