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  • Writer's pictureKatie Brown

Raw Nut Butter Cups (and a little catch up)

Firstly I have to apologise; things have been a little quiet here on the blog and I don’t feel I’ve been as engaging with you as I should have… Shall we have a little catch up *passes you some tea and peanut butter/raw chocolate goodness*

I’ve had a really rather delightful day; I woke up early and snoozed for 30  minutes whilst waiting for the clock to tick over to 8am…this felt like such a treat. 

Feeling ready to start the day on the right foot, I spent 7 minutes on my HIIT workout and allowed my heart rate to relax. Whilst I dressed, drank black coffee and demolished some mango. 

Shortly after my first mini breakfast , I pulled on my trainers and took myself out for a relaxing 4 mile run, I’m going to be frank…

I’ve hated running recently. Each mile has felt like torture and I’ve been huffing and puffing like someone from a low rate adult movie but without any sex appeal, sorry if that’s too much information just, it’s not where I want to be with running. 

To recover I came home and unwound my body with some light yoga; once showered and dressed (before changing again) I was ready for my next breakfast.

Two breakfasts you say? 

Yes. Today was the day I ate everything and I enjoyed every morsel, life is for living and food is for eating. So I got in touch with my inner Dr Seuss, not with green eggs and ham but green pancakes and strawberries, perfection! The fella asked if my pancakes had gone mouldy, but I spared him the details of my matcha experiement. 

I’ve become so distracted by writing about food I’ve not told you about how I got lost in London and walked 5 miles around and around in circles, I’ve not told you about the fact I’ve taken to hoarding jar’s of almond butter or how I’m dancing to that new Ed Sherran track. 

Sorry, I’ll be quiet. We need to focus on these raw chocolate butter cups…

Raw Nut Butter Cups 


*Makes 10 nut butter  cups

60g Coconut oil

60g Cacaco butter (Can sub coconut oil) 

25g Lumca powder

3 Tablespoons agrave nectar

A slash of vanilla essence

1.5 Heaped tablespoon’s of coco powder

45g Peanut Butter (or Almond, or Cashew?)


Firstly you need to make the raw chocolate, set aside some room in your fridge and 10 small/average sized paper cupcake cases.

Place the coconut oil and the cacaco butter in a heat proof bowl and microwave (this will take around 5 minutes for it to fully melt and turn back into the oil form) please note this will be very hot so do take care. 

Now add in your agrave and lumca, at this point you need to be patient and stir around 100 times to ensure it’s fully mixed, once you’ve done this add the vanilla and stir again. Finally add the cocopowder and again around 50 stirs will have this fully combined. At this point, grab a tablespoon and  spoon the just under half of the mix into each cupcake case and place in the freezer for just over a hour.

Once the first layer is set, mircowave your remaining mix until it becomes liquid again and take out your set chocolates and spoon on a small dollop of nut butter on each one. Then top with enough chocolate to cover the nut butter and return to the freezer for another hour, this should be long enough for them to set and for you to get stuck in!

Once these have set they will need to remain refrigerated but will keep for a couple of week’s.

*For a solid nut butter layer blend peanut butter with a little coconut oil and argave – Really sorry I was busy pigging out so did not measure, please forgive me? So talk to me, how was your weekend? Ever made nut butter cups? favourite nut butter right now? Do you have a cheat day?



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