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  • Writer's pictureKatie Brown

My Week In Fitness Feat: Runa Athleisure Wear

I love working out, it clears my mind, allows me time to focus on ‘me’ and when it’s a social event? Even better…

A huge motivator for me is new fitness clothing, I’d go as far as saying I think some of my ‘Athleisure‘ clothing is more polished than my everyday clothing. I thought I’d share my week in fitness and my views of some of the pieces I was sent to try from clothing brand ‘Runa‘.

Saturday – Workout of the day was a home Kayla Itsines workout, I don’t actually follow the Bikini Body Plan but dip in and out of the workouts when I feel like changing everything up. I completed one of the ‘whole body‘ workouts and felt pretty darn good after.

Sunday – Long social run, I met my friend who is training for a 36-hour race and we ran very slowly but socially for two hours. I then worked my leg’s just to ensure I wouldn’t be able to face the stairs on Monday.

Monday – Upper body training at the gym, this was the first time I’d worn my ‘Runa leggings and I was stopped and complimented on the design which was lovely. I felt that they were comfortable and very flattering. The only comment I’d make is that I’d advise wearing pale or small underwear as they are ever so slightly see-through in that region, but never an issue with a longer vest or t-shirt.

Tuesday – Speed Training,  I just wanted to get in and out of the gym in a hurry, I’m using a public gym for a month and evenings are seriously busy. I ran 5km in just over 25minutes for the first time in months, I felt absolutely elated.

Wednesday – I was due to go to boot camp in the evening, however, due to the fact we had a fair bit of DIY to do (we are currently renovating our kitchen) a 40-minute walk was my workout.

Thursday – Kettlebell and HIIT Training, I wore my RUNA t-shirt, which teams up perfectly with the leggings if you’re confident or black shorts in my case. This is a unisex piece, which actually I really like and I’m very much of the opinion that this gives a more stylish option for male gym users who are tired of solid-colour and slogan t-shirts.

Friday – Rest and recovery, just a lovely 20-minute walk at lunch and then I put my feet up when I got home, it’s all part of the program.

So what did I think of RUNA activewear? 

Firstly, the prints were a lot more wearable than I initially expected, I found them flattering and comfortable which are really important factors. I think the cost of £20 for a T-shirt and £33 for leggings is completely reasonable, especially as the design is creative and unusual – It’s good to be different.

I would say that the sizing is a touch limited, I am a size 10 and wore a medium in leggings, which would probably fit a size 12 too. It is worth keeping in mind, we are all different in relation to clothing sizes and it could be that future collections will exceed size ‘large’ which I assume is 14 or smaller 16.

Could you wear RUNA out for coffee on the way to the gym? Absolutely!

Does RUNA have apparel for men? Yes! As previously mentioned I think this is great as it would appear that stylish fitness wear is still limited for men.

Would I recommend RUNA? Of course, although I feel that the leggings are more suited to yoga, dance, or weight lifting, I felt fabulous wearing them.

What has your week in fitness included? Mine varies every week which I actually really enjoy, right now I’m focusing on setting myself ‘mini goals’ which focus on small improvements each week. I strongly feel that hitting fitness goals, rather than ‘scale victory‘ is far more rewarding…



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