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  • Writer's pictureKatie Brown

Kayla Itsines : Bikini Body Guide – The Start

If you follow me on social media you’ll be aware I’ve recently started the ‘Kayla Itsines’ bikini body guide program.

I’ll start my review by pinpointing some of the main aspect’s of the guide, how I’m fitting it into my life and my suggestions:

Why are you following the guide?

The reason I agreed to give this guide a try is because I have read so many glowing reports, I also wanted to refresh my workout’s and learn some new moves. Plus I want to improve my strength and level of cardio fitness, my perception is that if I’m following a plan I’m more likely to stick with it.

Oh, it’s not likely I’ll be in a bikini this year but you never know!

What is your starting point?

Firstly, I don’t feel 100% comfortable posting a progress picture (not that I have a problem with them) however, the picture above should give you a reasonable gage of my present physique.

I’m happy with my size, I’m comfortable at my present weight and I’m already reasonably fit, therefore I’m not expecting miracles or enormous changes.

If I complete the 12 weeks feeling fit, strong and more comfortable in my own skin then I’ve won the battle.

What are you doing alongside the guide?

In my personal opinion when starting a plan like this you should stick to the ‘basic’s’ (for example the 3 weekly workouts) and tweak the rest to suit your lifestyle and other plans. Of course, for the best possible results you need to remain active and maintain a healthy lifestyle *sleep well, stay hydrated and eat well*.

My reason for tweaking my training is I am currently half marathon training so I’m running up to 25 miles a week and I also slot in weight training sessions and lunch time walks. This mean’s I may change the day’s I workout and there’s been times that I’ve had to ‘warm up’ with a run before my 27 minute circuit, thankfully this is not a long term thing.

Are the workouts hard? Do I need equipment? 

So far I would say the workouts are reasonably challenging, I initially looked at my first day and thought ‘Oh, no problem’ and at the end of the 28 minutes I knew about it. I do think as it’s such a small part of your day it really is worth giving it your all for 28 minutes (or longer if you need it) as I am a firm believer that short, high intensity workout’s can make a big difference.

The first set always takes me longest, especially as I have to keep stopping and checking what move comes next. The good point is, once the routine is clear in your mind everything flow’s nicely…

My only ‘nit pick‘ would be that sometimes the descriptions could be a little clearer and the fact that some of the equipment required is mainly found at the gym.

Talking of equipment, here are my suggestions:

*Stepper – Use stairs

*Medicine ball – Use a kettlebell or dumb bell

*Skipping rope – I have been making the skipping motion with my arms rather than use a rope.

*Hand weights – You could use can’s of bean’s or bottles of water (get creative)

I’ll write a more detailed update in a few week’s, once I’ve completed my half marathon I’ll be working on a faster 5km time and weight lifting so hopefully the program will continue to work for me.

Tell me, have you ever completed or started the ‘Bikini Body Plan’ before? Do you like to follow a plan or work with your own personal choice of workout on the day?



Disclaimer: This is strictly only my opinion, the guide issues detailed information and the workout can be used in conjunction with the diet plan.

I was sent a copy to review but all views are my own.

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