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  • Writer's pictureKatie Brown

Festive Energy Bites

One thing I hate about this time of year is the pressure to resist eating all the tasty seasonal food. I feel that all these infographics are lending themselves to a more unhealthy/restricted side of eating, rather than a balanced and happy outlook.

You might then look at this recipe which would appear in a classically ‘clean eating‘ or ‘healthy eating‘ feed and think that I’m being somewhat hypocritical! However, let me explain, I’m making the most of all the delicious plump dates around this time of year, mega boxes of nuts, seasonal spices and chocolate. You don’t need to eat these instead of a mince pie, you can have a mince pie, handful of celebrations AND these, or is that just me?

I’m very much a creature of habit and my favourite pastime’s is snacking, which is why these tasty bites of goodness rock my little world. I’ve made a chocolate version and festive spice version, which should hopefully please everyone, you can use the same base to save washing up/hassle.


  1. For the base

  2. 140g Dates (I buy standard dates and soak them in hot water to soften)

  3. 40g Sunflower Seeds

  4. 40g Sesame Seeds

  5. 100g Ground Almond

  6. 4 Tablespoons maple syrup

  7. For chocolate, bites add…

  8. 30g Cocoa powder (plus more for dusting)

  9. 35g Dark Chocolate

  10. For festive spice, bites add…

  11. 1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon

  12. 1/2 Teaspoon Mixed Spice

  13. Desiccated coconut for rolling


  1. In a high-speed blender, pulse your nuts until a smooth powder form’s, now add in the maple syrup and dates, pulse until thoroughly combined.

  2. Separate the mix (if required and add the spice or chocolate accordingly)

  3. Place in the fridge to set for 30 minutes, then using a teaspoon scoop the mix and roll into balls – Then roll in cocoa powder or coconut.

  4. These will keep well sealed, in a fridge for up to a week.



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