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  • Writer's pictureKatie Brown

Banana Bread – A recipe that’s almost impossible to get wrong…

Have you ever had one of those days when you just can’t “Wake Up” and the only answer is cake? Of course, you have…

I had a terrible night’s sleep, last week Lily (our cat) bit my face rather unexpectedly whilst I was enjoying some much needed “Social Media Scrolling Time” in bed. As punishment for her actions, she’s had to spend the week sleeping downstairs and this has sent her into some sort of mild depression. Or at the very least she’s doing a very good job at convincing me.

Being the big softy I am (and partly because she currently refuses to leave the bed, another protest maybe?) I brought an eye mask to sleep in. Well, what a curious thing it is. I’m not sure if I’m going to form a long term relationship with said eye mask, for the primary reason I woke up in a complete state of confusion. Plus, I found the cat sitting on my chest staring at me with the same puzzled look you’d give an Alien.

So, to cut a long story short I woke up needing epic amounts of coffee and of course, carbs. You see, I have a confession, I HATE Bananas. I detest the smell, the visual and the taste, but bizarrely I like Banana bread. Maybe I am an Alien after all?

Healthy Banana Bread - Simple & Tasty

But, despite all that, I decided that a healthy and delicious cake packed with lots of energy was exactly what I would bake. I toyed with the idea of chocolate chips, I stared longingly at the overpriced Blueberries and swayed away for fear of not being able to fully disguise the Banana. I then went on to make a minor error of judgment and realized we’d ran out of self-rising flour, therefore when making this recipe I mainly used wholemeal flour, but both will work just fine.

Finally, before I crack on with sharing the recipe – I want to add that you don’t have to decorate the top with granola, I just did that so that the cake would look attractive for Instagram. On the other hand, I have a granola addiction and I don’t want to recover. Thanks.

Healthy Banana Bread - Simple & Tasty

Banana Bread

Serves 12


  1. 125g Butter (Unsalted)

  2. 125g Self Raising Flour

  3. 125g Wholemeal Flour

  4. 175g Sugar

  5. 150g Mixed Dried Fruit (I used cranberries and cherries)

  6. 3 Eggs

  7. Cinnamon (To taste)

  8. 4 Small Banana’s


  1. Start by pre-heating your oven to 180 degrees and setting aside a lined (or greased) loaf tin.

  2. Add the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl (Flour, Sugar, Dried Fruit and Cinnamon)

  3. Then, a time saving tip of mine is to throw the eggs, banana’s and the butter into a high speed blender and pulse until a smooth mix forms.

  4. Mix everything together and pour into the baking tin.

  5. Bake for 60-70 minutes, depending on your oven, allow to cool and serve.

What’s your “To Go” cake recipe when your cravings need satisfying?



Healthy Banana Bread - Simple & Tasty
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