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  • Writer's pictureKatie Brown

Couch to 5km with

I may have started my running journey around 7 years ago however, I was most certainly not a natural runner. Like most people, at times it felt like an impossible battle, I won’t lie, giving up crossed my mind time and time again.

I started, like most good folk do, with a run/walking system and gradually increased the time I spent running. Until I could eventually run for 30 minutes, which at the time felt like a huge achievement.

These days, whenever I meet someone who’s starting their running journey I always recommend ‘Couch to 5km‘. Couch to 5km is a free application and series of podcasts that allow you to ease from walker to runner and by the end of the free 9-week plan, you’ll be able to run for 30 minutes or 5km. I also remind people to take their time, don’t watch someone else’s journey and compare it to yours.

Here are my tips for new runners:

1.To avoid Injury – Buy the right trainers for YOU, not what’s drawing you in because it’s pretty, most running shops will provide a free gait analysis. I firmly recommend taking advantage of this, it’ll make all the difference in the long run. 2. Don’t fear walking – Or beat yourself up for walking. We all have to stop and walk once in a while and run/walking is part of the process. 3. Invest in a good sports bra – Nearly 40% of women don’t wear a sports bra when working out. Your sports bra should never celebrate its birthday. Please keep in mind that high impact is the choice you should make for running, regardless of your breast size. 4. Quality over quantity – You don’t have to run for hours unless that’s your aim of course! But, it’s better to put your heart into 3 quality training run’s a week rather than 6 half-hearted runs. Alongside this, if you need a week of rest? So be it, rest is a huge part of the process. 5. Accept that people will stare – This is YOUR journey, people will stare from time to time, it’s part of human nature, but let them. Chances are they’ll have forgotten you in moments. 6. Food is fuel – Surely you wouldn’t fuel your car on toothpaste? Think of your body the same way and seek professional advice if needs be. You can’t out-train a bad diet, but the right fuel will make all the difference. 7. Make an effort to pick up weights too! – Weight training mixed in with HIIT training, will help you build a stronger body. But, it doesn’t have to weight lifting, mix everything up with cycling, swimming, or whatever takes your fancy. 8. Don’t give up – All good things take time, some of us are natural runners and for others, it’s a hard slog. It’s *always* worth it and if it’s important? You’ll make the time and your body will reward you.

Gone are the days when going for a run mean’s throwing on an old t-shirt and some unflattering jogging bottoms.


Boohoo has created ‘Boohoo Fit‘ which is a collection of vibrant, stylish and cost-effective sportswear. Which is ideal for those new to running or completely acceptable to wear for coffee with friends.

Have you ever tried ‘Couch to 5km’? Do you buy new fitness wear often?



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