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  • Writer's pictureKatie Brown

Scandinavia Events – Milton Keynes

As a generalization, I like to keep my evenings pretty quiet during the week, but when I was offered the chance to try a taster of Scandinavia Events in Milton Keynes, I couldn’t resist. As we turned up, the first thing we saw was a glorious tipi, basking in the setting sun and the smell of piping hot calzone.

The event has taken influence from food halls across Europe, and Scandi design, to create a Christmas party like no other. What more could I want from my Thursday evening than a fruity cocktail and a chicken and chorizo calzone in the sun?  The temptation was staring me right in the face, it would have been rude not to try…

The objective of Scandinavia Events is to bring a different kind of Christmas Party to Milton Keynes, one with a cozy twist, the kind of food people adore eating (from local suppliers) and a great selection of drinks. All smooshed together with music that makes even the grumpiest account manager want to dance and crack a smile.

Scandinavia Events host parties in bespoke Tipis and each one offer’s different elements from a ‘Hygge Lounge’ with fireplaces and a cocktail bar. Then somewhere to eat, drink and talk and of course a dance floor to let your hair down and really start the party.

I tried ‘The Foresket’ cocktail which was a mix of gin with wild blueberries, fresh lemon and a hint of raspberry, whilst G enjoyed ‘The Lagom’ which was a blend of sage, peach, and pear combined with vodka and honey. Both were absolutely delicious and well worth trying at a taste of Scandinavia Events for yourself.  If cocktails aren’t’ right for you, there’s also the possibility of a Gin or Prosecco bar, which both sound rather heavenly.

You can even include extras such as a Campervan photos booth and my personal favorite, a doughnut wall…

Now all I’ve got to do is find a way to return again!



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