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  • Writer's pictureKatie Brown

5 Tips For A Better Day…

*Get up when your alarm goes off…

No seriously, avoid that blasted snooze button and get up, outta bed! Why? Because that little snooze cycle (let’s say of 10 minutes) isn’t enough to complete a full sleep cycle and you’ll risk waking up feeling groggy. This, Is counterproductive to a successful and happy day, if you find that you’re continually struggling, consider going to bed slightly earlier.

*Have a mad 10/15 minute tidy up…

This might sound mad to some people, but set yourself a time slot (or even an alarm if that helps?) and spend 10/15 minutes tidying your home. I find that when my surroundings are tidier, I feel more as ease and refocused. Plus, keep in mind you can make a significant difference in only 10 minutes and that’s such a very small part of your day.

*Stop wasting energy by thinking negatively of others…

For certain, this is going to be the toughest habit for me to crack, but I strongly believe that the less time we spend thinking negatively about others, the better our life could be. After all, we aren’t actually hurting them, we’re hurting ourselves (I mentioned this in my last post here). I want to try and keep my mood and my focus, as upbeat as possible.

*Eat when you’re politely hungry…

Okay, you might ask “What on earth does politely hungry mean?” – As humans, we have a hunger scale (often confused with thirst or boredom) and when we are politely hungry, that means we could do with a meal/snack. But, we aren’t raging with hunger or overly full already. The whole point of listening to this feeling is to avoid getting overly hungry and risk being hangry or eating, just for the sake of eating. I’m currently testing this and finding that I feel so much better as a result.

*Set 3 important jobs each day…

It might be as simple as, remembering to reply to all your WhatsApp messages or something annoying like dealing with a tax return. But, the objective is to deal with whatever you’ve been putting off and focus on the joy of “One less thing to do”, it’s really that simple.

Katie x

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